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10 Wattsville Rd, Cranbrook, BC, V1C 2A2| 250.489.4575| Fax: 250.489.0788 Utility Links
School District 5
T. M. Roberts Elementary School
About our School
École TM Roberts School is the largest elementary school in Cranbrook, with approximately 365 students. It is the only dual-track elementary school in the city which offers French Immersion from Kindergarten to Grade 6. 

At École TM Roberts School we encourage each other to be Thoughtful, Motivated, Responsible, and Safe. Many of our intermediate students contribute to our school by joining in our student leadership activities, committees and clubs. We are also proud to be associated with One to One Reading, Big Brothers and Sisters and Canadian Parents for French.
Our school goal this year is to provide authentic math tasks and to teach students about about their social and emotional wellness.  

Click below to view our parent handbook.