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1410 Baker St., Cranbrook, BC, V1C 1B2| 250.426.5241| Fax: 250.426.6673 Utility Links
School District 5
Mount Baker Secondary School
French Immersion

​​​​​​​​​In Cranbrook, we provide Early Immersion that goes from Kindergarten to grade 6 at École TM Roberts Elementary School, continues for grades 7 to 9 at Parkland Middle School and culminates for grades 10 to 12 at Mount Baker Secondary School. 

As per the British Columbia Ministry of Education, "The Early Immersion program provides students with an education equivalent to that which is available in the English language program, while providing students with the opportunity to acquire a high level of proficiency in French…  Upon graduation from the program in Grade 12, they should be able to participate easily in conversations in French, take post-secondary courses with French as the language of instruction and accept employment with French as the language of the work place."

In order to be eligible for a dual dogwood diploma, students continuing in the French Immersion program at Mount Baker must receive credit for a total of 6 classes where the language of instruction is French. 

Current French Immersion course offerings at MBSS:

Grade 10

Français langues seconde – immersion 10

Sciences humaines et sociales 10​

Education au choix de carrière et de vie

Grades 11/12

Communication orale 11

Histoire du monde au XXe siècle 12

Français langue seconde – immersion 12


Any course-specific questions may be directed to Mme Leann Shade at