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School District 5
Kootenay Orchards Elementary School

Our Kootenay Orchards Parent Advisory Council (KO PAC) is comprised of parent volunteers who, through ongoing opportunities, help enrich & strengthen our school community. They meet the second Tuesday of every month at 6:30 pm in the school library and via zoom, except for holidays or otherwise specified.

PAC Executives

President: Jennifer Spyksma
Vice President: Kaitlin Harrison
Secretary: Nicole Erickson
Treasurer: Katie Kemperman
District PAC Member: Kaitlin Harrison

All parents and guardians of students registered at Kootenay Orchards are voting members of the Parent Advisory Council.  


PAC welcomes parents to attend meetings to help provide input and feedback.  

Please visit our Facebook Page to confirm if the meeting will be in person or via zoom and to stay up to date on all our latest news.  We hope you can join us!!