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1410 Baker St., Cranbrook, BC, V1C 1B2| 250.426.5241| Fax: 250.426.6673 Utility Links
School District 5
Mount Baker Secondary School
Student Fees

​​​​​​​​​The Student Activity Fee is a yearly fee which goes towards supporting all school activities throughout the current school year.  This includes locker privileges, clubs, teams, and lunch hour activities.  For Grade 11 and 12 students, any outstanding student activity fees that were not paid from last year will be added to this year's fees.

​Student Activity, Yearbook, and all other programs fees such as PE, Girls in Motion, EAP/Outdoor Ed., Science 10 Workbooks, Accounting Workbooks, Woodshop, Metal, Electronics, Mechanics, Foods, etc., can be paid by SchoolCash Online (see link below) or in the main office.  


​2023/2024 Fees:

Student Activity Fee:  $20.00​​​

Yearbooks:  $65.00

SchoolCash Online​