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1301 20th Ave S, Cranbrook, BC, V1C 6N5| 250.426.8551| Fax: 250.426.8441 Utility Links
School District 5
Kootenay Orchards Elementary School


Welcome to Kindergarten Registration 2024-2025!!

We are excited to welcome your child to Kootenay Orchards for the 2024-2025 School Year.  Registration will open on Thursday, February 1st and will not be accepted prior to this date.  

To register your child for September 2024, a completed Registration Package must be submitted.  You can either download and print the Registration​​ Package here​​​ or pick-up a Registration Package from our school office starting January 15th.

On February 1st, there will be a drop-box outside of our school office.  Please place completed packages in the drop-box.  The school office will be in touch if additional information is required.  Registrations will be reviewed and approved based on School District #5's Administrative Procedures for β€‹Student Registration Enrolment & Procedures.  Families will be contacted later this spring to confirm whether their child's registration was approved and to provide information about Kindergarten Orientation.

If you have any questions, please contact our school secretary at or call our office at (250) 426-8551.