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802 2nd Ave Box 2470, Fernie, BC, V0B 1M0| 250.423.4912 (Fernie Campus) | Utility Links
School District 5
Kootenay Discovery School
Education Anytime, Anyplace, Your Pace
Enroll in our Programs
​​​​​​Interested in learning more and registering your child in Kootenay Discovery School? Please call our office at 250-423-4912 or email us at for more information about our full time programming.

Once you have talked to a KDS staff member and determined this is a good fit for your child, please download and complete the following forms:

All forms must be submitted by email to or in person at:
  • Cranbrook Campus - 25 - 17th Avenue South
  • Fernie Campus - 802-2nd Avenue


​KDS offers the following programs to School District 5 residents:
    • Distributed Online Learning Courses (Grades 9​-12) for Cross Enrolled Secondary Students. 
    • BC Adult Graduation Diploma for non graduated Adults. 
    • Upgrading of Secondary courses for graduated Adults.
  • ​Accounting 11
  • Active Living 11
  • Active Living 12
  • Anatomy and Physiology 12
  • Apprenticeship Math 12
  • Calculus 12
  • Career Life Education 10
  • Chemistry 11
  • Chemistry 12
  • Child Development 12 (online and paper)
  • Career Life Connections 12
  • Contemporary Indigenous Studies 12
  • Earth Sciences 11
  • English 11
  • English First Peoples 10 (New this year)
  • English First Peoples 11 (New this year)
  • English First Peoples 12 (New this year)
  • English Language Arts 10 - Composition
  • English Language Arts 10 - New Media
  • English Studies 12
  • English Studies 12 - Adult Grad
  • Entrepreneurship 12
  • Explorations in Social Studies 11
  • Fashion Industry 12 (New this year)
  • Foods and Nutrition 11 (online and paper)
  • Foods and Nutrition 12
  • Foundations and Pre-Calculus Math 10
  • Foundations Math 11
  • Foundations Math 12
  • Interpersonal Relationships 11 (online and paper)
  • Law Studies 12
  • Life Sciences 11
  • Physcial Education 10
  • Philosophy 12
  • Physical Geography 12
  • Physics 11
  • Physics 12
  • Pre-Calculus Math 11
  • Pre-Calculus Math 12
  • Psychology 11
  • Science 10
  • Science for Citizens 11
  • Social Justice 12
  • Social Studies 10
  • Workplace Math 10
  • Workplace Math 11