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School District 5
Southeast Kootenay
Media Releases

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Media Releases from the Board of Education:

24-06-07 Media Information to CBC on Child Care​

24-05-23 Child Care Public Announcement


2022 Superintendent Change of the Guard

2021 Secretary Treasurer Appointment

20-05-25 SD5 Grad Class of 2020

20-03-18 SD5 and Key City Theatre Phase III and IV Renovations

19-09-10 Kootenay Learning Campus.pdf

19-20 New Administrators for Two Elk Valley Schools

19-07-08  Select Standing Committee presentation Release

19-06-27 Superintendent Appointment

19-05-22 Superintendent Retirement

19-02-06 Secretary Treasurer Appointment

19-02-04 Secretary Treasurer Retirement

19-01-25 Media Release SSCFGS

18-11-08 New Board of Education

18-10-15 (Non)surplus release (003)

18-09-26 Select Standing Committee on Finances & Government Services (SSCFGS) Highlights Need for School Replacements in Fernie and Cranbrook 

16-11-15 VSB Firing is ab​out Democracy, not Balanced Budgets 

16-09-20 Submission Deadlines September 30, 2016

16-09-06 Welcome back to Acting Vice Principal at Jaffray School

16-08-29 New Acting Principal for Rocky Mountain Elementary School

16-08-24 New Vice Principal for T.M. Roberts Elementary School

16-09-01 Bus Camera Press Release

16-08-09 New Principal for Gordon Terrace Elementary School 

16-06-24 Administrative Savings

16-02-26 Not Just Noise

16-05-11 ltr M.Bernier SD69

16-05-11 ltr Trustees, SD69

16-03-17 Long Form Census

16-03-29 Provincial Budget Priorities Misguided

District Principle and Transformative Learning

SD5 Critical of Newly Legislated Changes to School Act

Budget 2015 release

Meeting with MLA June 5, 2015

Humanities Celebrity Tour 

Viveka Johnson new MBSS principal 

Elkford Vice Principal appointments

Jennifer Roberts appointment 2014

Doug Bolander appointment

Budget release.doc

SD5 Letter re Health Accord.doc

Former SD5 Student Wins National Championship .doc

04 22 14 Minister's visit.doc

SD5 Hats Off to the White Hatter.doc

 SD5 Congratulates District Principal of Student Services.pdf

Aboriginal Connection to SD5 Student Success.doc

More Support for KCT MBSS.doc

Letter to Editor re Woman of the Year.doc

Early Development Indicator release.doc

SD5 Bids Farewell to Two Long Service Employees.pdf

School Board proud of it's own.pdf